Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to get your home back after the holidays

So the holidays came and went.  You had all your family and friends over,  fine wine,  great music,  kids running around half crazed with all the gifts and sugar consumption, and you, happy with the celebrations but wondering for a flicker of a moment, just how long will it take to get my home back to order!

Here are some quick tips to get organized before the cleaning lady drops by.


If you have kids, then you know that toys are the biggest contributor to disorganization.
Try this, go through the toys with your child and put in a box all the ones they have not played with in the last 6 months.  Telling them you need to make space for the new toys, will help your child understand the logic of the task.  Another recommendation is to suggest taking the toy boxes to a shelter, and give to those who are less fortunate.  If they go themselves to drop the toys off, they will not only be involved in the process but also learn a valuable lesson in generosity.
Another great idea, at places such as Home Depot, Home Outfitters, you can find some nice plastic boxes of all sizes, shapes and colors with a lid that would easily store your child's toys and keep it in there safe.
These suggestions also apply to clothing (another big gift item during the holidays).   Best to de-clutter the closet space  before you store the new items.  I use a 6 month time limit.  Helps to get rid of the old before you add in the new.  Again, the local shelters would be greatly appreciative for good clothing items.  Also, if your work schedule does not allow you to take these items to them, there are many charitable organizations such a Cerebral Palsy or Diabetes Foundation that if you call them, they will come to your door and pick up your items for you.  You don't even have to be home for that.  Just leave the items out on the drive way or porch marked for them.

Gift wrapping paper

Lots and lots of tissue paper, gift bags, wrapping paper and all of this can easily be disposed of by our grand ole blue boxes.  Lets help keep our planet clean.
Along with that idea, the trees can be disposed of by a simple call to the city's special line for tree pickup.


Lots of leftovers.  Probably for the next few days!  Unfortunately most of us will get tired of eating the same thing a few days in a row.  Personally, I like to have a number of friends over for a left over potluck and it all gets cleared quickly.

Coffee/Wine Stains

Non chemical stain removal secret - Vinegar mixed with Baking soda.   Dab on the carpet or on the couch, wherever the stain is, and let it absorb the mixture.  Amazing stain removal!

Yes, there is nothing more enjoyable than spending quality time with family and good friends.
I hope you've enjoyed  few of the quick tips for taking your house back..
All the best for the new year in a clean and organized home!!!

For Clothesline pickups for CDA or CP please follow the link

For tree pickup -