There is much to be said about personal taste when it comes to decor. There is no right or wrong in this respect. What's beautiful and calming for one person may be disturbing and an eye sore for another.
As you see from the above picture..(thanks to a friend who shared this with us from Britain) what would be your initial reaction? Well one may say, "ugh! What were they thinking???" While yet another may say, "Wow! What a creative way to keep our planet green by reusing and recycling." There you see that personal taste is just that. Personal.
That is why, when you are looking to sell your home, it is vital to create a space that would appeal to the masses. Its not to say that your tastes are faulty in any way, but let me ask you this, if you walked up to this home, would you buy it? Would you even want to look inside?
That is why you need to hire a Stager.
What is a Stager?
Its a question that has been asked so many times over. It's simple really. A Professional Stager is a creative designer who facilitates the conversion of a well loved home into a universally attractive one.
In essence, we turn it into something everyone will love.
Certified Stagers go thru an extensive training program where they are taught the Art of Staging. NOT Decorating. Staging is neutral design and Decorating is a personal view and design.
For most people, a home is one of the biggest investments in their lifetime. You deserve the right to get the best ROI (Return On Investment) that you can.
So don't be wary. Keep sight of the big picture. Give your home the "WOW! Factor" it needs to get it sold faster and for lots of $$$$$. Hire a Certified Stager and get what you want.
So ... looking back at that picture let me ask you this, should they hire a Certified Stager? Well, would you?
Happy Staging
- For a free quote for having your home staged or to answer any further questions about Staging, please see
- For more information on where to go for Staging courses, contact Canadian Certified Staging Professionals.